As many of you may know, this photo has been circulating the Interwebs promoting positivity towards body image. This photo was accompanied by a whale/mermaid story, which to me sounded so ridiculous it was if it was written by a 5-year-old girl. If you don't know of the story, let me briefly explain. A woman wrote in response to a gym ad stating, "would you rather be a whale or a mermaid?" Her response was that she would rather be a whale because they sing and are recorded by humans, are sexually active and raise children with tenderness. What the hell? It was if she was saying that skinny people didn't do any of those things. All these other facts about whales sounded so far from the real issue. She proceeded to say that mermaids do not exist, but that if they did they would smell fishy, have no sex life and not bear children. Whaaa?? I know she was trying to make a point, but hot damn, the woman could have come up with so much better than that.
Regardless of the woman's silly response, I happily shared the photo on Facebook because like a Dove commercial, I think it's important to promote beauty in all sizes. Skinny or fat, there is beauty in every being.
But what truly ruffled my feathers wasn't the poor use of language that the woman used to accompany the beautiful photo of French model, Tara Lynn. What upset me the most was that a long-time friend (who is about the same size as me) posted how sick she was of people promoting fat as being good. A very opinionated person and Facebook newbie, she has grown accustom to standing on her soap box and preaching her beliefs.
Her exact words were as follows: