Thursday, August 11, 2011

Latest episode of Entourage

Was never a die hard fan of the show, but I watched the first few of seasons of the HBO hit and am slightly intrigued in keeping up with the final season. I'm not going to lie, being an Angeleno, it's quite entertaining to see a loosely based Marky-Mark-type series that shamelessly portrays the ups and downs of a glamorized life in Hollywood.  But when it comes to HBO making mini-episodes gathering actors to comment on the show in retrospect (mainly to stroke egos and instill within viewers how Entourage was some sort of epic show that humans couldn't do without), I'd like to pass. 

It's a bit too celebrity-centric for me.  I mean, common, celebrities aren't the say all and be all of this world.

Regardless, I cannot deny that the show has its moments and Ari Gold is undeniably one that you hate to love or love to hate. 

On that note, did anyone catch last Sunday's episode? A bit of a shocker at the end there, aye? Anyway, the point of this post was to showcase the wonderful song that followed in the credits after the episode's final scene.  A song by James Blake, "The Wilhelm Scream" is a mixture of wonderful, soothing tonality in his voice and electronic sounds and beats that send your mind soaring.  It was the perfect song to follow such a dramatic scene.

In case you didn't know, now ya know!


  1. I can belive this shows is almost over, I will for sure miss watching it, I as you was never a crazy fan but loved watching Ari and his madness! Your blog is lovely and I'm a new follower! Hope you'll like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  2. @Sara Thanks Sara! I'm a follower of your blog too. It's super cute!
